Partnership & Events hero image

Partnership & Events

Throughout the year, Chelsea Proving Grounds (CPG) will host multiple events internally and through partnerships. The facilities are perfect for team building ride and drives and community events.


Special Olympics

CPG has been a long-time partner of hosting the Special Olympics of Michigan. The Special Olympics strives to create a better world by fostering the acceptance and inclusion of all people. Through the power of sports, people with intellectual disabilities discover new strengths and abilities, skills and success. Our athletes find joy, confidence and fulfillment—on the playing field and in life.

Two guys playing rugby hug each other


Ride & Drives

CPG is proud to host numerous corporate ride and drives throughout the year. The proving grounds has provided employees and executives the opportunity to reconnect with Stellantis products and facilitate team bonding. A few fan favorites include hot laps on the oval track and exploring off road.

Group of black Jeep on dirt road


Police & First Responder Training

CPG is proud to serve as a training site for local law enforcement and first responders.

Police & First Responder Training


Camp Invention

CPG is excited to host community learning events such as camp invention to peak curiosity and give a glimpse into the automotive world.

Image of Camp Invention


Formula SAE

Formula SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) is a series of international competitions in which university teams compete to design and manufacture the best performing racecars. Chelsea Proving Grounds has partnered with Formula SAE on college campuses across Michigan to provide testing grounds for student’s vehicles.

Image of Formula SAE


Viper Autocross

Chelsea Proving grounds has served as a car enthusiast gathering space for decades.

Image of Viper Autocross